During the installation of your eDirectory system, it is possible to load the following countries:

  • United States (States and Cities)
  • Canada (Provinces and Cities)
  • United Kingdom (Counties and Towns)
  • Australia (States and Cities)
  • Brazil (States and Cities)

These locations are default options on eDirectory system, but If you need additional locations, there are 4 ways to do it:

1. Within our server

    1.1. Go to your site manager area → Settings   Language & Geography.

    1.2. At the bottom of the page, there should be a form with checkboxes to select the locations to be imported.

Note: This option will only be available for your eDirectory if your site is located in one of our shared servers, and there must be no locations created in your database, otherwise these options will not be displayed. If you already have locations on your site and would like to add more, follow the instructions below about alternative ways of loading more locations to the site. 

2. Mannualy

    2.1. Go to your site manager area Settings → Language & Geography → Location data.

    2.2. Add the desired location, whether it is a Country, State, city, or Neighborhood depending on your location hierarchy.

3. Importing

    It's possible to import locations using .cvs or .xls files. While importing listings within the system, if the locations columns are filled with locations that are not on the database, the system will create them automatically.

   3.1 Download the CSV template file on Content → Import →  Listings.   

   3.2 On the template file, add the desired location data:


Attention: It is important to be aware of the location settings you have enabled on settings → Language & Geography → Choose the locations you want to use:
As seen above, the example site has country, state and city enabled, so it is necessary to add all these three location types on the CSV file since it needs to match the location settings on  your site, otherwise the site will display an import error. 

  3.3 As it is not possible to import only locations, it is necessary to add the listing title information and import listings along with the locations. If you do not have the intention to import listings, you can add dummy listing names only to be able to import locations:

   3.4 After the file is populated with all the desired locations, you can start the import process. Check this article with the detailed information about this process: How do I import listings?

  3.5 When the import process is finished, you will have the desired locations on your site, and the dummy listings. However, it is possible to delete the dummy listings from your site on Content → Listings:

4. Customization

    The final way to add locations to the system, which will require a paid Customization, is to provide your Project Manager with CSV or XLS file of just locations. Your Project Manager will be able to provide you with an estimate for a developer to create a script and import the information directly into the database. The time estimate for completion is highly dependent on the clean organization of the file provided. If you choose to get an estimate for this Customization, please access this link to fill out the custom development form to get a quote from us: http://www.edirectory.com/request-a-quote/