eDirectory  version 11.3 to 11.4

This article covers how to use the import tool for your eDirectory software. With the import tool you can upload pre-existing data on listings and events that you have and save you the time of manually entering it all.

We will use our demodirectory.com website as an example and provide links and images based on it.

When you access sitemgr content area (
https://demodirectory.com/sitemgr/content/listing/) you will see the "Import" text in the left menu. Click on it to proceed.

You will click on it and be taken to the import page: https://demodirectory.com/sitemgr/content/import/

Once you are in this page, you can select which import you will do (Listings or Events) and also see the log of imports you have.

We will use Listings in this example so when you click on Listings you will be sent to the following page: https://demodirectory.com/sitemgr/content/import/listing/

On this page you can take a couple actions so we will address each one:

1. "Download Template File"
By clicking on this link, you will download the sample file we have in the system. This CSV file will guide you on the existing fields that can be imported and the format the data must have in order to work properly in our system.
Notice that you don't have to follow this same structure, you can import a fiel of your own with less columns if that is what you need.

2. "Cancel Import"
Takes you back to the previous page

3. "Next"
This button will only be available after an import file is selected

4. "Choose your file"
In this section, not only you can see the supported file types (CSV and XLS) and maximum size, but also choose the file you want to import in your computer or drag and drop the file you already selected.

5. "Browser FTP Upload Folder"
Please check an already existing article for this FTP Upload

6. "The first line is the header"
If checked, this will tell the system that your file has the first line as the header and will use that to map the columns.

Once you upload the file, you will select the column separator in a drop down, where the options are Comma and Semicolon (different options can only be added with customization) and the Next button will become available for clicking where you will go to the Content Mapping step.

In the Content Mapping step you will associate the columns you have with the existing fields on eDirectory. If the titles in the header of each column already match the ones we have in our template, the system will automatically map the columns.

A couple things you need to know keep in mind during this process:

1. You can't import new custom fields. The Listing form does not have a Social Security Number field, so you can't create that in your file and import to our system.

2. Fields created in the Listing Type section can't be imported.

3. Listing Title is a mandatory field (Start and End dates as well if you are importing Events).

4. Location structure must be respected, so if you are importing a state, the country must be imported as well.

5. If you have a default location (United States for example), you won't be able to import a record with the country Brazil.

6. You can only import a location if the Location Name is mapped. The location won't be imported if you only map the Location Abbreviation.

7. The Renewal Date field must follow the same date structure you have set up in your website:
https://demodirectory.com/sitemgr/configuration/geography/ (so if you have mm-dd-yyyy your date must be 12/31/2018) and also must be set in the future.

8. Listing Level must follow the same level structure you set up in the following link:

9. Listing DB ID column will be used in case you want to update already existing listings in the system, in that case, the field needs to be filled with the database id for that item in your eDirectory. (I case you want the update, you will need to check a checkbox in the end of the process to overwrite existing items)

10. If that listing has no account, no account information is necessary.

11. The system can only reads 10.000 records per import file.

Now you are ready to the next step, where the system will verify your file and display any possible errors:

In my example you will notice that the dates are not following the rules I mentioned before. The system will explain what errors you are having and where so you can adjust and "Upload correct file".

Once the file is adjusted and uploaded, the import will proceed it's course.

You will now set up some preferences like "Set all imported items as active". They are all self explanatory.

After clicking in "Next", the manual process will be over and your file will be in the import queue, which can be viewed in the import log.

There is a cron job that will automatically run the import (this will not happen immediately) and you will see it's progress in the status column in the log, which will be either "On Queue", "In Progress" or "Completed".

If your import is "On Queue" for longer than 30 minutes, it means that the import is stuck. Please contact the support team via email support@edirectory.com