1. Log in to your Apple Store Connect account: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/

2. Select Users and Access option

3. Click on "+"

4Fill up the form with the name eDirectory Team, e-mail [email protected], and select Admin role (image below).

5. On Developer Resources, Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles must be checked by default.

If the Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles option is not available, possibly your current Apple membership does not allow this type of invitation. In this case, we might need your Apple Account credentials to be able to build your app. 

Please contact eDirectory Support for more details.

6. Click on the Invite button to send the invitation. After finishing these steps, please inform one of our agents so we can confirm if we got the necessary permissions. 

Please don't hesitate in contacting us at [email protected] in case you need more information.