Hi, this is Marco with eDirectory, and welcome to the getting started video series.  In this edition, we’ll cover adding a listing to your new eDirectory site.  Now that we’ve defined categories, completed some basic configurations, added our pricing levels, and some listing types, we’re now ready to start adding listings.  Remember, this can be done by importing a list of members via a .CSV file with the eDirectory import template, or adding a listing manually, which we’ll cover here now.  So, let’s get started!


Within the site manager, we’ll navigate to the Content Manager section, where Listings is the default choice.  We’ll head over here to the upper right corner and click “Add Listing”.  From here, we’ll be instructed to select the Pricing Level the new member will be assigned to, essentially what they’ll get for what they’ll pay for.  I’ll select the highest level so we see all the options available.  Next, we’ll be instructed to select which Listing Type this Listing will have, either the default listing type or any other new ones you’ve created with some additional information. We’ll select the Default Listing type for now, and click NEXT.


So now’s the time to start bringing this listing to life here. Type the name of the listing, select the listing type, and the listing level with the prices you’ve defined.  Along the right you can upload the image for the listing with the image specifications provided for your convenience.  Next we’ll add any categories this listing will belong to.  If this new listing is for a client that has already purchased, say for Banner ads or Events, you can assign this listing to that account owner, whether it will be active or not, and when to start the billing for this account.  You can also disable the Claim Listing feature, if say for example you KNOW this member is the original owner of the listing. Below that we’ll have a summary description to edit, some keywords related to the listing, and along the right the option to add a photo gallery and main video link, great way to really showcase the listing with some eye candy.  


Next up we have the opportunity to add the basic contact information including  email, address, phone, website URL, address, and country… also great for directions is the reference area, like “across from the post office, right next to the software company” for example.  And along the right the option to add any additional files like documents, PDFs, images, etc. Keep in mind some of these fields may not appear for you if you did not activate them within the Listing Type selected for this Listing.  There are also Listing Badges to choose from that you can edit as well, available within the site manager.  Great for giving some recognition to key members of your community.


Lastly, we have the option to add additional information like social media pages for Facebook and Twitter, you can list some key features of the business, and hours of operation.  There is also an SEO details area for enhanced search and navigation, down to the individual listing level, like Page Name, Title, Keywords, and Description, which is great for SEO.  Finally, is the new listing taking advantage of one of the promotional codes you created within the site manager?  Great way to get your first 25 members, all kinds of promotional opportunities are available within the eDirectory platform to help you get started on growing your online community.  Go ahead and click Save to the see the new listing live and in action.


Ok, well that about wraps up our coverage of Adding a New Listing.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please submit a support ticket, start a chat on the website, or email [email protected] and a member of our success team will be happy to assist you! Thank you for tuning into the Adding a Listing video, and I’ll see you in the next one!