If you choose to use the Google Adsense functionality on your site to run Google Ads, you will need to register for your own Google Adsense account. Once you have registered for an account, you can add your account information onto Site Manager. In order to begin the registration process for your account please do the following:

1. Visit Google's Adsense page at www.google.com/adsense

NOTE: If you have an existing Google Account, please 'Sign In'. Otherwise, please click 'Sign Up Now' to begin the registration process.

2. Please fill out all the information required in each of these three steps and click 'Submit my Application.'

3. Once your application has been submitted, Google will review the application and contact you directly, via email, to state whether or not your application has been approved. 

4. If your application has been approved, you will need to copy and paste your Adsense account number into Site Manager. Configurations--> Google Integrations --> Google Ads

NOTE: Please be sure that when you copy and paste the code that there are no spaces before, after, or in the middle of any of the characters. Otherwise, the code may not work.

5. Please be sure to indicate the type of ad (Text and/or Image) you wish to run as well. 

6. Finally, select Save Changes.