If you need assistance from eDirectory Support for the Google API setup or Android app submission and our support team requested access to your google admin panel to resolve the issue, here are the instructions to send an invitation:

Google API Admin Invitation

1. Access the console using the link console.developers.google.com/apis/ and use your Google credentials.

2. Once you login, select your project or create a new one if that’s the case.

3. With your project selected, click on the icon as shown on the image. Then click on “IAM e Admin”.

4. On the next step click “ADD”.

5. A new tab will open. Fill in the form with the following instructions as shown on the image:

  • Make sure the project is right;
  • Enter with the e-mail: [email protected];
  • And then in Role”, choose “owner” and save.

6. Once you finished, send an email to our support team so we are aware this is done.

Play Store Admin invitation

1. Access your Google Play Store account using the link play.google.com/apps/publish/.

2. Then click on the “Setup” option.

3. Then click on the option “Users and permissions” and select “Invite new users”.

4. To make the invitation fulfill the following information:

At "Permissions", choose App permissions tab then "Add app".

Next, choose Account permissions tab then select Admin (all permissions) option.

5. Click Invite user.

6. Once you finished [email protected] so we are aware this is done.