Promotional codes are a great tool to build a solid relationship with existing clients, but also a way to attract new clients. By following these 8 simple steps, your promotional code will be ready for use. 


1. Upon logging on as Site Manager, open the Promote tab. 

2. Once you open the Promote tab, click on Promotions & Packages. 

3. To add a promo code, simply click on Add New Promotional Code

4. Next, type in the title of your Promotional Code. 

5. Additionally, it is important to decide if you want a percentage off or a fixed value off of your Promotional Code. Select which one you would like under Type. Once you have decided, type in the amount off (percentage/fixed value) for your promotion. 

6. Furthermore, select the duration and set a Redeem Date for it. if you set the duration to Once, the customer will only be able to use it once, but if you set it to Forever, the customer will be able to use it for an unlimited number of times with the same item or different items until it expires. 

7. Under Available for, select what your Promo can be used for: Listings, Events, Banners, etc. 

8. Finally, click on Save Changes at the top or bottom right-hand corners of the screen.

IMPORTANT: The promotional code is applied to the plan forever. For example, if you give a 50% promo code to a listing, all monthly payments will have a 50% discount if the code is configured as the Forever type.