At Site Manager > Design & Customization > Colors & Fonts, you now have the flexibility to personalize up to eight different color options on your website. These colors influence various elements, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing design that aligns with your brand identity.
1. Brand Color
Reflected On:
Some widgets can be customized to adopt either the brand color or a neutral color as a background.
Helps maintain a consistent visual theme across your website.
2. Brand Color as Background
This setting extends the brand color usage beyond widgets and applies it to:
Various icons.
Certain text elements.
3. Neutral Color
Reflected On:
Titles and subtitles.
Tooltips and minor headings, enhancing readability.
4. Highlight Color
Reflected On:
Buttons for a noticeable call to action.
Mouse hover effects, making interactive elements stand out.
Some icons for added emphasis.
5. Badge Color
Reflected On:
Comments section, distinguishing user interactions.
Bookmarks, making saved items easily identifiable.
6. Link Color
Reflected On:
Clickable items, ensuring clear navigation cues for users.
7. Attention Color
Reflected On:
Error messages, making important alerts more visible.
Pending items, highlighting elements that require action.
8. Success Color
Reflected On:
Confirmation messages, indicating successful processes.
Completion notifications for clarity and reassurance.
9. Warning Color
Reflected On:
Delete icons, signaling caution before taking irreversible actions.
Attention markers, drawing focus to important notice
Need Help?
If you have any questions about customizing your website's colors, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email protected]. We’re here to help you create the perfect look for your site!