At Site manager > Design & Customization > Colors & Fonts, you can now customize 8 color options on your website.


Brand Color: 
(Color used: #022e69)  

Reflects on: Some widgets can be customized by brand color and neutral color as background. 


Brand Color as Background:


Also, it affects some icons and texts. 

Neutral Color: 
(Color used: #045920) 

Reflects on: some of the titles, tooltips and minor titles.


Highlight Color: 
(Color used: #de2323) 

Reflects on: Buttons, mouse hover effect (mouse cursor positioned over the item) and some icons.


Badge Color: 
(Color used: #ffc800)

Reflects on: Comments and Bookmarks.

Link Color: 
(Color used: #3b21cf) 

Reflects on: Clickable items.


Attention Color: 
(Color used: #d113c4) 

Reflects on: Error message and pending items.

Success Color: 
(Color used: #51a85b) 

Reflects on: Success messages/Process done successfully.

Warning Color: 
(Color used: #2f25a1) 

Reflects on: The delete/Pay attention icon.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].