
With the recent upgrade to version 13.5, you may have noticed some changes in how subscriptions are managed on your platform. This article is designed to help you understand these changes, reassure you about the status of your existing subscribers, and guide you on how to navigate the new subscription system effectively.

1. What Changed in Version 13.5?

In the previous versions, each listing level was directly associated with a price, and users could only purchase one listing per level. This system was straightforward but limited in terms of flexibility and customization.

With version 13.5, we've introduced a more dynamic and flexible approach:

Listing Levels are Now "Products": Instead of having prices directly linked to listing levels, these levels have now become "Products." It is possible to find the Products under Settings → Product & Plans → Manage Products

Products are listings, classifieds, events, banners, and articles.

Introduction of "Plans": Pricing is now managed through "Plans." A Plan allows you to bundle different Products into one package with a single price. For example, you could create a Plan that includes Listings, Classifieds, and Events, all offered at a combined price. It is possible to find the Plans under Settings → Product & Plans → Plans

2. Where Did My Subscribers Go?

One of the most common concerns after upgrading to version 13.5 is the apparent absence of subscribers in your plans. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Subscribers Were Successfully Migrated: All your existing subscribers were successfully migrated to the new version during the upgrade.
  • Why You Don’t See Subscribers in the New Plans: The new version has changed the dynamics of how subscriptions are linked to plans. Since the old subscriptions were tied to individual Products (which had direct prices), these subscriptions don’t appear under the new Plans. However, your subscribers are still in their original plans and are being billed as before.

3. How to Verify Your Subscribers

To ensure that your subscribers are still active and being charged correctly, you can:

  • Check Payment gateway account: Log into your payment gateway account, where you manage your payments. You will find that all your subscribers are still linked to the original plans and continue to be billed under the same conditions as before the upgrade.
  • Monitor New Subscribers: Moving forward, new subscribers will appear under the new Plans you've created. This will reflect the new system where Plans bundle Products for a set price.

4. Setting Up New Plans

To maximize the benefits of the new version, consider creating new Plans that bundle multiple Products together. This not only offers more value to your users but also allows you to customize pricing and features more effectively. Please, check out our article with the details and instructions on how to set up new plans: Products and Plans for New Clients


The upgrade to version 13.5 brings greater flexibility and customization to your platform. While the changes may seem complex at first, rest assured that your existing subscribers are secure, and you can continue to build new, dynamic Plans that better serve your community.

If you have any further questions or need assistance in setting up your new Plans, our support team is here to help.