Adding classifieds to your eDirectory website can be a great way for site managers to offer users the opportunity to sell products or services. Classifieds are advertisements that users can post to advertise items they want to sell, such as cars, furniture, or services like tutoring or home repairs. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to add a classified in the site manager area of your eDirectory website.

Steps to Add a Classified

Step 1: Log in to eDirectory

Begin by logging onto your eDirectory account.

Step 2: Open the Content Manager Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the Content tab.

Step 3: Access the Classifieds Section

In the Content tab, click on Classifieds.

Step 4: Add a New Classified

Click on the Add Classified button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 5: Enter the information

  • Classified Title and Price: Type your Classified Title and select the price for your classified. 
  • Choose the classified level: choose the classified level you would like for the classified. 
  • Account: select the owner of the classified. 
  • Associate with the listing: select a listing to associate with this classified. 

Step 6: Enter the Basic Information

  • Add Categories: Under Basic Information, click Browse s to select the appropriate category. 

Note: You need to create categories before you can select one. If you haven't created a category yet, you can click on the option "Create category" under the "Browse" as illustrated on the screenshot below. 

  • Status and Renewal Date: select the Status, and Renewal Date for this classified.
  • Summary description: Type a summary description for the classified, it has a limit of up to 250 characters. This description is displayed on the summary view of the classifieds and on the classified detail page. 
  • Description: Type the long description for the classified on this field. Different from the previous field, it does not have a character limit. It is displayed on the classified detail page, when you click on the classified to see more information.
  • Keywords for the search: Type keywords on this field related to the classified created. These keywords will be searchable when a user types them in the Search box of your site.

Step 7: Fill in Contact Information 

Input your contact details:

  • Contact Name
  • E-mail
  • Phone Number
  • URL
  • Street Address
  • Zip Code
  • Country

Attention: If the URL typed in the URL field does not have either the https:// or the http:// formats, when the user clicks on the link "Visit Website", it will not work correctly, and will display a 404 error. The URL must not be typed only with "www" or without it. Check these examples:
Always type the URL with either the https:// or the http:// formats in this manner:  

Step 8: Fill in the SEO information

Configure the classified to be searchable on Google using Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) feature. 

  • SEO Title: This field pulls the information typed in the classified title field automatically. It is not needed to type any information on this field. However, you can change it, if you would like. This is the classified title to be displayed on Google searches. 

    Slug URL: This field pulls the information typed on the classified title field automatically and turn it into your classified e URL. It is not needed to type any information on this field. However, you can change it, if you would like. This is your classified link. 

    SEO keywords: Type the SEO keywords on this field related to the classified created. These keywords will be searchable when a user types them on Google. You can use the same keywords you used on the "Keywords for the search" field. 

    Description: Type a description for the classified  on this field. This description will be displayed on Google when users perform searches. If you would like, you can use the same description you used on the "Abstract" field. 

Step 9: Enter a Promotional Code (Optional)

If you have a Promotional Code, enter it in this section.

Step 10: Upload Photos and video

You can upload images and video to the classifieds 

  • Photo Gallery: click on "Choose file"  to upload a Photo Gallery for the classified. 
  • Upload a Cover Image:In the upper right-hand side, click on Choose File to select and upload an image to be the cover image of your classified.
  • Video: Type your video YouTube link, and a description of the video. 

If the URL typed in the video URL field does not have either the https:// or the http:// formats, the video may not be displayed correctly. The URL must not be typed only with "www" or without it. Check these examples: ❌ Always type the URL with either the https:// or the http:// formats in this manner:

Step 11: Save Changes

Click Save Changes in the upper or lower right-hand corners of the screen to save your classified.

Step 12: View Your Classified

To view your classified on the website, return to the original Classifieds tab under Content Manager. Click on your classified, and on the right-hand side, you will see a mini-version of your ad. Click on the View on Website link to see the classified as it appears to users.

By following these steps, you can efficiently add and manage classifieds on your eDirectory website, providing a valuable service to users looking to sell products or services.