First Steps:
- Your account needs to be under the developer program. If You don’t have an Apple developer account, click here to enroll.
- Make sure your website has the SSL certificate, otherwise some features may not work properly.
- Set up your Facebook login to IOS apps. You can see the instructions here.
- It’s necessary to invite our account as admin ( Click here to see how ). After the invite is done, please let us know by email on [email protected]. ( If our email has admin access to your app, it’ll be automatically uploaded to the store as soon as the build is done).
To publish your IOS app, it’s necessary to set up a few files on your app builder:
- Sign in with your Apple Developer account at:
2. Click Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
3. Click Identifiers -> +
4. Select “App ID’s” and click Continue.
5. Now, to register your App ID you will need to select and insert some information.
- Select the option “IOS, tvOS, watchOS”.
- Description: YourApp name.
- Bundle ID: Select the option “Explicit”. You can find your Bundle ID on your appbuilder, the format will always be com.arcasolutions.builder******.
- Under “Capabilities” select “Push Notifications” and click Continue -> Register.
- Creating the IOS Distribution Certificate:
6. Click on Certificates -> Create a certificate
7. Under Software, select the option IOS Distribution (App Store and Ad Hoc) and click Continue.
8. On the next screen you will need to select the cerSigningREquest.
9. The certSigningRequest is stored on your sitemgr. On the IOS area of the app builder, right click the “Certificate Signing Request” and click on “Save Link As…”.
Attention: It’s only necessary to create this certificate once (App Builder Certificate). You can re-use it as many times you want.
10. Back on the Apple website, click on “Choose File”, select the file You just saved and click Continue.
11. After downloading the .cer file, your IOS Distribution Certificate is ready and you can upload it on the App Builder.
- Creating the Provisioning file:
12. Click “Profiles” -> +
13. Under Distribution, select “App Store” and click Continue.
14. Select the App ID you’ve created before and click Continue.
15. Select your Distribution file and click Continue.
16. Insert your Provision Name and click Generate.
17. Now download your Provisioning file and insert on the app builder page.
- Creating the Firebase configuration file:
18. Click “Certificates” -> +
19. Under Services, select “Apple Push Notification service SSL ( Sandbox & Production ) and click Continue.
20. Select your App ID again and click continue.
21. Now, it’s necessary to select the certificate of your Mac. To generate your certificate please follow the next steps.
Attention: It’s only necessary to create this certificate once (Mac Certificate). You can re-use it as many times you want.
22. Using the spotlight, search for “Keychain Access” and open the program.
23. With Keychain Access open, click on the top bar in Keychain Access → Certificate Assistant → Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority.
24. Now insert your email and name, select “Saved to disk” and click Continue.
25. Now save your file and upload it on the certificate and click Continue.
26. Click on Download, a .cer file will be downloaded. Double click this file.
27. Click add and go back to your keychain screen.
28. Right click on the “Apple Push Services: com.arcasolutions.builder****” and click Export….
29. Choose the file format .p12 and click Save.
30. Now, choose a password to protect your certificate and click Ok. ( This password will be used later).
31. After saving your .p12 file, it’s necessary to add it to your firebase project. Please access this link:
32. If you don’t have a project, click “Create a Project”. If you already have, please go to step 35.
33. Add your Project Name and click Continue.
34. Add your Bundle ID, click “Next”, ignore the next steps and click ”X”.
35. Back on your home page screen, select your IOS app and click on the engine.
36. Click on “Cloud Messaging”
37. Under APNs Certificates, Click Upload on Production type.
38. Upload the .p12 file you’ve created before and use the password created too.
39. Go back to the General tab and download your .plist file.
40. Now, upload your .plist file on your app builder and all your certificates are ready and you can build your app.
41. Before building the app, It’s necessary to create the app on the App Store. Also, please confirm if our email [email protected] is already an admin in your account.
42. Click “App Store Connect”
43. Insert your App Name, SKU (Bundle ID) and click “Create”.
43. Back on your appbuilder, confirm if all items are checked as “OK” and click on “START BUILD”.
44. After your app was successfully created, it will be automatically uploaded to your App Store. (If it’s not, please use the Application Loader to check what’s the error).
45. Now, to send your app to the store please follow exactly the following information: