
Articles are a crucial part of a directory website as they engage visitors with informative and relevant content. Well-crafted articles can attract more visitors, keep them on your site longer, and encourage them to explore other areas of your website. For instance, a local directory could feature articles about community events, business spotlights, or how-to guides relevant to the local audience. This guide will walk you through the steps to add an article to your eDirectory website via the Site Manager area.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Log In and Access the Content Manager: Upon logging onto eDirectory, open the Content tab.

2. Navigate to Articles: Once you open Content tab, click on "Articles".

3. Add a New Article: to add an article, simply click on "Add Article" in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

4. Enter the Article Title: Next, type your Article Title.

5. Basic Information: under "Basic information", you can click on "Now" to schedule your article to be published on a future date, and you can choose the category that your article corresponds with.

Note: You need to create categories before you can select one. If you haven't created a category yet, you can click on the option "Create category" under the "Browse" as illustrated on the screenshot above.

6. Specify Account, Status, and Renewal Date: select the Account, Status, and Renewal Date for this article.

7. Input Author and Other Details: input the Author of the article, the article URL, and Write about the article's author.

8. Write an Abstract: write a brief Abstract of the article.

9. Compose Your Article: write your article in the "Content" section.

10. Add Keywords for Search Optimization: selectively choose keywords for the search by typing them in the Keywords section. Separate keywords with commas to add them faster. Keywords help users find your article more easily.

11. SEO: configure the article to be searchable on Google using Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) feature. 

  • SEO Title: This field pulls the information typed on the article title field automatically. It is not needed to type any information on this field. However, you can change it, if you would like. This is the article title to be displayed on Google searches. 

    Slug URL: This field pulls the information typed on the article title field automatically and turn it into your article URL. It is not needed to type any information on this field. However, you can change it, if you would like. This is your article link. 

    SEO keywords: Type the SEO keywords on this field related to the article created. These keywords will be searchable when a user types them on Google. You can use the same keywords you used on the "Keywords for the search" field. 

    Description: Type a description for the article on this field. This description will be displayed on Google when users perform searches. If you would like, you can use the same description you used on the "Abstract" field. 

12. Add a Promotional Code (Optional): If you have a Promotional Code, please type it in now.

13. Upload images: upload images to the articles. 

  • Author Picture: click on "Choose file" to upload the author picture. 
  • Photo Gallery: click on "Choose file"  to upload a Photo Gallery for the article. 
  • Upload a Cover Image:In the upper right-hand side, click on Choose File to select and upload an image to be the cover image of your article.

14. Save Your Changes: finally, click Save Changes in the upper or bottom right-hand corners of the screen.

Viewing Your Article on the Website. 

To view your article on the website, return to the original Articles tab under Content Manager. Click on your article. On the right-hand side, you will be able to view a mini-version of your article. There is a View on Website link that you can click to see how the article looks live on your site.

By following these steps, you can successfully add engaging and informative articles to your eDirectory website, enhancing the overall user experience and attracting more visitors. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.