1. Access the link https://firebase.google.com. Use your email and password from Google.

2. To start, click on
 Go to console, on the top of the page: 

3. On the next page, click on Add project.

4. Choose your project's name, click on I accept the firebase terms and click on Continue

*On this step we suggest using your app's name

5. Select if you want to use Google analytics and click on 
Create Project.

6. With your project created, on the home screen of your project, click on the gear symbol then click on Users and permissions.

On the configuration screen, there will be a list with the user and permissions to set up. Click on 
Add member:

8. On the next window, fill with the following data:

Email address: [email protected]

Role: Owner.

And click on Add member.

9. With the invitation sent, the next step is letting our support team know that the invite was sent to our account.

Please don't hesitate in contacting us at [email protected] in case you need more information.