When changing the domain of your site, it is crucial to update the name servers on GoDaddy if you are using their service. Proper configuration ensures that your domain functions correctly and directs traffic appropriately.
Important: Changing the domain is not automatic. To complete this process, contact our support team and send the domain you wish to use. We will create the DNS zone with the new domain, enabling you to point to the correct name servers. For more details, refer to this article: Domain change: How can I proceed to change my domain?
To proceed with this step, you must have a GoDaddy account with the domain already purchased. If you do not yet have a GoDaddy account, click here to create one and purchase your domain.
How to change the nameservers on Godaddy
Step 1: Prepare for Domain Change
Before pointing the domain, send the domain name to our support agents so they can create the DNS zone on their end, and send you the nameservers to point your domain to. After this, you can move forward with the following steps. If you haven't sent your domain yet, please send it to [email protected] or check this article: Domain change: How can I proceed to change my domain?
Step 2: Access Your GoDaddy Dashboard
Log in to your GoDaddy account.
Go to the "Domains" section and click "Manage DNS."
Step 3: Manage DNS Settings
Click on "DNS."
Click on "Nameservers."
Click on "Change Nameservers."
Step 4: Update Name Servers
Select the option "I'll use my own nameservers."
Add the nameservers you received via email from our support team.
Step 5: Save and Notify Support
Save the updated settings.
Agree to the consent message.
Verify your identity with a 2-step verification code
Confirm that the nameservers have been properly changed.
Inform our support team once this step is completed so we can finalize your domain change.
If you need help with the complete domain change process, check this article: Domain change: How can I proceed to change my domain?