Note: you must have the Google Tag Manager integration configured before setting this up. If you haven't yet, click here.


You can easily set your disclaimer in few steps:

1. Access the link:

2. Scroll down to start customizing:

3. In the first step, you can choose whether the Scripts will be loaded automatically or after the user agrees. We recommend the second option:

4. Now is time to customize your banner layout. Enter with your page name, the style you want, your preferred color palette and the language of your page.

5. You can also link your Privacy Policy page, for example,

6. In this part you can add scripts, for example, from Google AdSense, and select it respective level of consent from the available options:

7. Add the desired code at "Script Code" box, and click at "Add this script". It will then be incorporated into your final consent code:

8. You have finished setting up your cookie disclaimer! Copy the provided code and use Google Tag Manager for quick implementation:

Websites using Google Tag Manager (GTM) can easily deploy cookie consent banners by following the instructions below.

Assuming that you have already created a GTM account, created a website container in GTM and connected GTM to your directory website, follow these steps:


1. Create a new Custom HTML Tag, you can name it “Cookie Consent Banner”:

2. Click on " Tag Configuration " and edit it: 


3. Scroll down and select "Custom HTML":

4. Paste the code on the HTML field:

5. On Triggers section, select All Pages and then save the tag; 

6. Submit and Publish the Container:


The consent banner is now active on your website.

If you have any other questions or need any further support, please don't hesitate in contacting us on 
[email protected].

We take great care in providing this information to you, but please be aware of the fact that this support article can not be considered a substitute for professional legal advice.

Tags: gdpr, cookie, banner, disclaimer